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Array ( [TITRE] => <b>Type de document : </b> [TITRE_CLEAN] => Type de document [OPAC_SHOW] => 1 [TYPE] => list [AFF] => Mémoire [ID] => 4 [NAME] => cp_typdoc [DATATYPE] => integer [VALUES] => Array ( [0] => 4 ) )
Titre : |
Mammalio-limnology: exploring the structuring role of large mammals in pond landscapes
Auteur(s) : |
Bram Vanschoenwinkel, Responsable de stage Université de Guyane, Organisme de soutenance |
Type de document : | Mémoire |
Filière : | M. : EFT -- Ecologie des Forêts Tropicales |
Sujets : | Faune ; Animal sauvage ; Repeuplement animal ; Évaluation impact sur environnement ; Biodiversité |
Résumé : |
Recent insights suggest that mammals might have a larger impact on freshwater ecosystemsthan previously assumed. However, thus far there has not been any systematic survey of theeffects of mammals on freshwater ecosystems worldwide.Here, we use a combination of information from published literature and a consultation ofexperts using a questionnaire to reconstruct global variation in the mammals that interactwith water and potentially impact aquatic habitats.This meta-analysis approach permitted to identify 214 mammalian species impactingfreshwaters through a set of behaviors and other traits. As expected, we found that thenumber of impacts as well as the number of traits increase with mammal mean body mass.Large and heavy mammals have more effects than smaller ones. However, sometimes[...]
Recent insights suggest that mammals might have a larger impact on freshwater ecosystemsthan previously assumed. However, thus far there has not been any systematic survey of theeffects of mammals on freshwater ecosystems worldwide.Here, we use a combination of information from published literature and a consultation ofexperts using a questionnaire to reconstruct global variation in the mammals that interactwith water and potentially impact aquatic habitats.This meta-analysis approach permitted to identify 214 mammalian species impactingfreshwaters through a set of behaviors and other traits. As expected, we found that thenumber of impacts as well as the number of traits increase with mammal mean body mass.Large and heavy mammals have more effects than smaller ones. However, sometimes evensmall mammals such as aquatic rodents can have many impacts on aquatic habitats.Geographically, mammalian interactions with ponds are strongest in Africa and Asia, wherethe native large mammal fauna is more intact and more diverse.Notably, some of the mammals that interact most strongly with freshwater such as muskratand nutria are widespread and invasive beyond their native range and can have negativeeffects on freshwater biodiversity. However, introduced or reintroduced mammalian speciesmay also have positive effects on freshwater habitat e.g. by promoting pond creation anddispersal of aquatic fauna. As such, they could fulfill roles lost in ecosystems during theQuaternary megafaunal extinctions or more recently.This work has shown that freshwater ecosystems can be strongly affected by mammals. Inthe light of current rewilding projects with mammals this means that such initiatives mayhold both risks and opportunities for freshwater biodiversity.
Date de publication : | 2021 |
Format : | 55 p. / ill. coul., graph. coul. |
Langue(s) : | Anglais |
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