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Titre : |
Characterization of biological types of cattle (cycle III). v. carcass wholesale cut composition
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Auteur(s) : |
R. M. Koch, Auteur (et co-auteur)
M. E. Dikeman, Auteur (et co-auteur) L. V. Cundiff, Auteur (et co-auteur) |
Type de document : | Tiré à part |
Sujets : | Race (animal) ; Carcasse |
Résumé : |
Wholesale cut composition of 642 carcasses obtained from steers that were from matings of hETEFORD AND Angus cows to Hereford, Angus, Tarentaise, Pinzgauer, Brahman and Sahiwal sires were analyzed after adjusting carcasses to a common weight or a common fat trim percentrage. At a common carcass weight, the wholesale cut percentages and the composition of cuts differed (P<.01 among sire breed groups. at a common fat trim percentage differences in the distributions of total retail product or bone cuts were small yet statistically significant breeds. compared with bos taurus groups two indicus had slightly lower wholesale chuck percentages and similar even though modest>
Wholesale cut composition of 642 carcasses obtained from steers that were from matings of hETEFORD AND Angus cows to Hereford, Angus, Tarentaise, Pinzgauer, Brahman and Sahiwal sires were analyzed after adjusting carcasses to a common weight or a common fat trim percentrage. At a common carcass weight, the wholesale cut percentages and the composition of cuts differed (P<.01 among sire breed groups. at a common fat trim percentage differences in the distributions of total retail product or bone cuts were small yet statistically significant breeds. compared with bos taurus groups two indicus had slightly lower wholesale chuck percentages and similar even though modest hump group was included chuck. distribution not large enough to give any grou distinct advantage>
retail product contributed by the more preferred cuts. Greatest variation among sire breeds was in fat distribution, particularly kidney and pelvic fat. Regression coefficients of retail product, fat trim and bone side weight were calculated from covariance within and between slaughter dates of sire breed groups. The coefficients for within and beween slaughter group regressions, when averaged over all sire breed groups, were, respectively : retail product, -8.8 and -22.6%/100 kg; fat trim, 11.0 and 27.2%/100 kg and bone, -2.2 and - 4.7%/100 kg side weight. Our interpretation of the differences between sets of regression coefficients was that increases in weight associated with continued feed intake resulted in greater increases in fat to lean ratio than from increased weight associated with genetic growth potential. These results, which confirm those reported earlier from different populations, show that the opportunity for increasing the proportion of lean
Date de publication : | 1980 |
Format : | pp. 1160-1167 / ill., tabl., réf. |
Note(s) : |
Vol.54 |
Langue(s) : | Anglais |
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Kourou | Archives | AgroParisTech-Kourou | TP7335 (E) | Papier Périodique | Empruntable Disponible |