Chapter 1 The Estimation of Physical Properties
1-1 Introduction
1-2 Estimation of Properties
1-3 Types of Estimation
1-4 Organization of the Book
Chapter 2 Pure Component Constants
2-1 Scope
2-2 Vapor-Liquid Critical Properties
2-3 Acentric Factor
2-4 Boiling and Freezing Points
2-5 Discussion of Estimation Methods for Pure Component Constants
2-6 Dipole Moments
2-7 Availability of Data and Computer Softwar[...]
Chapter 1 The Estimation of Physical Properties
1-1 Introduction
1-2 Estimation of Properties
1-3 Types of Estimation
1-4 Organization of the Book
Chapter 2 Pure Component Constants
2-1 Scope
2-2 Vapor-Liquid Critical Properties
2-3 Acentric Factor
2-4 Boiling and Freezing Points
2-5 Discussion of Estimation Methods for Pure Component Constants
2-6 Dipole Moments
2-7 Availability of Data and Computer Software
Chapter 3 Thermodynamic Properties of Ideal Gases
3-1 Scope and Definitions
3-2 Estimation Methods
3-3 Method of Joback
3-4 Method of Constantinou and Gani (CG)
3-5 Method of Benson [1968; 1969]
3-6 Discussion and Recommendations
3-7 Heat of Combustion
Chapter 4 Pressure-Volume-Temperature Relationships of Pure
Gases and Liquids
4-1 Scope
4-2 Introduction to Volumetric Properties
4-3 Corresponding States Principle
4-4 Equations of State
4-5 Virial Equation of State
4-6 Analytical Equations of State
4-7 Nonanalytic Equations of State
4-8 Discussion of Equations of State
4-9 PVT Properties of Liquids-General Considerations
4-10 Estimation of the Liquid Molar Volume at the Normal Boiling Point
4-11 Saturated Liquid Densities as a Function of Temperature
4-12 Compressed Liquid Densities
Chapter 5 Pressure-Volume-Temperature Relationships of Mixtures
5-1 Scope
5-2 Mixture Properties-General Discussion
5-3 Corresponding States Principle (CSP): The Pseudocritical Method
5-4 Virial Equations of State for Mixtures
5-5 Analytical Equations of State for Mixtures
5-6 Nonanalytic Equations of State for Mixtures
5-7 Discussion of Mixture Equations of State
5-8 Densities of Liquid Mixtures at Their Bubble Point
5-9 Densities of Compressed Liquid Mixtures
Chapter 6 Thermodynamic Properties of Pure Components and Mixtures
6-1 Scope
6-2 Fundamental Thermodynamic Relationships for Pure Components
6-3 Departure Functions for Thermodynamic Properties
6-4 Evaluation of Departure Functions for Equations of State
6-5 Heat Capacities of Real Gases
6-6 Heat Capacities of Liquids
6-7 Partial Properties and Fugacities of Components in Mixtures
6-8 True Critical Points of Mixtures
Chapter 7 Vapor Pressures and Enthalpies of Vaporization of Pure Fluids
7-1 Scope
7-2 Theory
7-3 Correlation and Extrapolation of Vapor-Pressure Data
7-4 Ambrose-Walton Corresponding-States Method
7-5 Riedel Corresponding-States Method
7-6 Discussion and Recommendations for Vapor-Pressure Estimation and Correlation
7-7 Enthalpy of Vaporization of Pure Compounds
7-8 Estimation of AEHv from Vapor-Pressure Equations
7-9 Estimation of AEHv from the Law of Corresponding States
7-10 AEHv at the Normal Boiling Point
7-11 Variation of AEHv with Temperature
7-12 Discussion and Recommendations for Enthalpy of Vaporization
7-13 Enthalpy of Fusion
7-14 Enthalpy of Sublimation; Vapor Pressures of Solids
Chapter 8 Fluid Phase Equilibria in Multicomponent Systems
8-1 Scope
8-2 Thermodynamics of Vapor-Liquid Equilibria
8-3 Fugacity of a Pure Liquid
8-4 Simplifications in the Vapor-Liquid Equilibrium Relation
8-5 Activity Coefficients; Gibbs-Duham Equation and Excess Gibbs Energy
8-6 Calculation of Low-Pressure Binary Vapor-Liquid Equilibria with Activity Coefficients
8-7 Effect of Temperature on Low-Pressure Vapor-Liquid Equilibria
8-8 Binary Vapor-Liquid Equilibria: Low-Pressure Examples
8-9 Multicomponent Vapor-Liquid Equilibria at Low Pressure
8-10 Determination of Activity Coefficients
8-11 Phase Equilibrium with Henry's Law
8-12 Vapor-Liquid Equilibria with Equations of State
8-13 Solubilities of Solids in High-Pressure Gases
8-14 Liquid-Liquid Equilibria
8-15 Phase Equilibria in Polymer Solutions
8-16 Solubilities of Solids in Liquids
8-17 Aqueous Solutions of Electrolytes
8-18 Concluding Remarks
Chapter 9 Viscosity
9-1 Scope
9-2 Definitions of Units of Viscosity
9-3 Theory of Gas Transport Properties
9-4 Estimation of Low-Pressure Gas Viscosity
9-5 Viscosities of Gas Mixtures at Low Pressures
9-6 Effect of Pressure on the Viscosity of Pure Gases
9-7 Viscosity of Gas Mixtures at High Pressures
9-8 Liquid Viscosity
9-9 Effect of High Pressure on Liquid Viscosity
9-10 Effect of Temperature on Liquid Viscosity
9-11 Estimation of Low- Temperature Liquid Viscosity
9-12 Estimation of Liquid Viscosity at High Temperatures
9-13 Liquid Mixture Viscosity
Chapter 10 Thermal Conductivity
10-1 Scope
10-2 Theory of Thermal Conductivity
10-3 Thermal Conductivities of Polyatomic Gases
10-4 Effect of Temperature on the Low-Pressure Thermal Conductivities of Gases
10-5 Effect of Pressure on the Thermal Conductivities of Gases
10-6 Thermal Conductivities of Low-Pressure Gas Mixtures
10-7 Thermal Conductivities of Gas Mixtures at High Pressures
10-8 Thermal Conductivities of Liquids
10-9 Estimation of the Thermal Conductivities of Pure Liquids
10-10 Effect of Temperature on the Thermal Conductivities of Liquids
10-11 Effect of Pressure on the Thermal Conductivities of Liquids
10-12 Thermal Conductivities of Liquid Mixtures
Chapter 11 Diffusion Coefficients
11-1 Scope
11-2 Basic Concepts and Definitions
11-3 Diffusion Coefficients for Binary Gas Systems at Low Pressures: Prediction from Theory
11-4 Diffusion Coefficients for Binary Gas Systems at Low Pressures: Empirical Correlations
11-5 The Effect of Pressure on the Binary Diffusion Coefficients of Gases
11-6 The Effect of Temperature on Diffusion in Gases
11-7 Diffusion in Multicomponent Gas Mixtures
11-8 Diffusion in Liquids: Theory
11-9 Estimation of Binary Liquid Diffusion Coefficients at Infinite Dilution
11-10 Concentration Dependence of Binary Liquid Diffusion Coefficients
11-11 The Effects of Temperature and Pressure on Diffusion in Liquids
11-12 Diffusion in Multicomponent Liquid Mixtures
11-13 Diffusion in Electrolyte Solutions
Chapter 12 Surface Tension
12-1 Scope
12-2 Introduction
12-3 Estimation of Pure-Liquid Surface Tension
12-4 Variation of Pure-Liquid Surface Tension with Temperature
12-5 Surface Tensions of Mixtures
Appendix A Property Data Bank
Appendix B Lennard-Jones Potentials as Determined from Viscosity Data
Appendix C Group Contributions for Multiproperty Methods
Index follows Appendix C