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Array ( [TITRE] => <b>Type de document : </b> [TITRE_CLEAN] => Type de document [OPAC_SHOW] => 1 [TYPE] => list [AFF] => Tiré à part [ID] => 4 [NAME] => cp_typdoc [DATATYPE] => integer [VALUES] => Array ( [0] => 7 ) )

Titre : |
Spatial genetic differentiation among populations of european beech (fagus sylvatica L.) in western germany as identified by geostatistical analysis
Auteur(s) : |
B. Degen
F. Scholz |
Type de document : | Tiré à part |
Résumé : |
The spatial genetic differentiation among European beech stands in western Germany was analysed by a new method. The genetic structure at 8 enzyme gene loci of lOO sarnpled populations was used as data base. The data represent authors' own results and published data from 8 different studies. For 10 geographic distance classes [h] from 0 to 500 km, the average genetic distance J(h between the populations for each single gene locus, a gene-pool distance J(hk) and the semivariances ,(hk) of genetic diversity Ugam were computed. Significant deviation from random spatial genetic structure was teste by permutation analysis. ln many cases (Lap-B, Mdh-B, Mdh-C and 6Pgdh-C) the mean genetic distance h J between stands with spatial distance up to 200 km was significantly smaller and the gene[...]
The spatial genetic differentiation among European beech stands in western Germany was analysed by a new method. The genetic structure at 8 enzyme gene loci of lOO sarnpled populations was used as data base. The data represent authors' own results and published data from 8 different studies. For 10 geographic distance classes [h] from 0 to 500 km, the average genetic distance J(h between the populations for each single gene locus, a gene-pool distance J(hk) and the semivariances ,(hk) of genetic diversity Ugam were computed. Significant deviation from random spatial genetic structure was teste by permutation analysis. ln many cases (Lap-B, Mdh-B, Mdh-C and 6Pgdh-C) the mean genetic distance h J between stands with spatial distance up to 200 km was significantly smaller and the genetic distance between stands with geographic distances of 200 and 400 km was significantly greater than expected for random spatial genetic structure. Similar tendencies were |
Editeur(s) : | Arbora Publishers |
Date de publication : | 1998 |
Format : | pp. 191-199., 1 graph., 3 tabl., 3 cartes., nb réf. |
Langue(s) : | Anglais |
Lien vers la notice : | |
Exemplaires (1)
Localisation | Emplacement | Pôle | Section | Cote | Support | Disponibilité |
Kourou | AgroParisTech-Kourou | SI TP17418 | Papier | Empruntable Disponible |