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Array ( [TITRE] => <b>Type de document : </b> [TITRE_CLEAN] => Type de document [OPAC_SHOW] => 1 [TYPE] => list [AFF] => Livre [ID] => 4 [NAME] => cp_typdoc [DATATYPE] => integer [VALUES] => Array ( [0] => 5 ) )

Titre : |
Damage assessment of hill dipterocarp forests subject to reduced impact logging guidelines in Sarawak, Malaysia
Auteur(s) : | J.F. Butaud |
Type de document : | Livre |
Sujets : | GESTION DURABLE Malaisie ; Forêt tropicale humide ; Aménagement forestier MALAISIE |
Résumé : |
Global concern over exploitation of tropical rainforests has driven .governments of both tropical timber-producing and consurming countries to implement trials of Sustainable Forest Management systems. One component of such systems is Reduced Impact Logging (RIL) techniques. This report consists in the survey of the second RIL trial of the Malaysian-German Technical Cooperation Project in Sarawak. Conventional (CNV) and Reduced Impact logging were compared on the basis of a Post-Harvest Damage Assessment on soil and vegetation. CNV logging was characterized by a commercial volume per hectare of 55 m3 and more than 200 meters of skid-trails per hectare. The commercial volume extracted in RIL blocks averaged 30 m3 (45 170 of réduction) whereas trail density was only about 90 meters[...]
Global concern over exploitation of tropical rainforests has driven .governments of both tropical timber-producing and consurming countries to implement trials of Sustainable Forest Management systems. One component of such systems is Reduced Impact Logging (RIL) techniques. This report consists in the survey of the second RIL trial of the Malaysian-German Technical Cooperation Project in Sarawak. Conventional (CNV) and Reduced Impact logging were compared on the basis of a Post-Harvest Damage Assessment on soil and vegetation. CNV logging was characterized by a commercial volume per hectare of 55 m3 and more than 200 meters of skid-trails per hectare. The commercial volume extracted in RIL blocks averaged 30 m3 (45 170 of réduction) whereas trail density was only about 90 meters per hectare (55 9o of réduction). Consequently, the area of soil exposure caused by crawler tractors was divided by two and the number of damaged trees dropped of 30 % (from 60 |
Editeur(s) : | Nancy [France] : Ecole Nationale du Génie Rural, des Eaux et des Forêts (ENGREF) |
Date de publication : | 1998 |
Format : | 5 cartes; 30 graph., 5 plans; 10 tabl; 21 réf.-61 p. |
Note(s) : |
12 annexes |
Langue(s) : | Anglais |
Lien vers la notice : | |
Exemplaires (3)
Localisation | Emplacement | Pôle | Section | Cote | Support | Disponibilité |
Kourou | AgroParisTech-Kourou | 622.BUT.1998 | Papier | Empruntable Disponible | ||
Montpellier | Archives | Forêt | 98 FRT.BUT | Papier | Empruntable Disponible | |
Montpellier | Serveur | Forêt | E-98 FRT.BUT | Numérique | Empruntable sous conditions Disponible |