Part 1 Digestion and absorption of food components
1 Oral physiology, mastication and food perception
1.1 Introduction
1.2 Food processing in the mouth
1.3 Influence of food characteristics on chewing
1.4 Oral physiology and food perception
1.5 Neuromuscular control of chewing and swallowing
1.6 Influence of age on oral physiology, food perception and nutrient intake
1.7 Future trends
1.8 Sources of further information and advic[...]
Part 1 Digestion and absorption of food components
1 Oral physiology, mastication and food perception
1.1 Introduction
1.2 Food processing in the mouth
1.3 Influence of food characteristics on chewing
1.4 Oral physiology and food perception
1.5 Neuromuscular control of chewing and swallowing
1.6 Influence of age on oral physiology, food perception and nutrient intake
1.7 Future trends
1.8 Sources of further information and advice
1.9 References
2 Gut microbial ecology
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Microbial community composition
2.3 Microbial metabolism of dietary components
2.4 Interplay between gut transit, pH and the microbial community
2.5 Role of microbial metabolites in health and gut function
2.6 New methods for studying the gut microbiota
2.7 Future trends
2.8 Sources of further information and advice
2.9 Acknowledgements
2.10 References
3 Digestion and absorption of lipids
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Stuctural and physicochemical aspects
3.3 Lipid digestion and absorption: basics and variability
3.4 Mechanisms relating lipid absorption and health
3.5 Implications for the development of functional foods and future trends
3.6 References
4 Physicochemical basis of the digestion and absorption of triacyglycerol
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Luminal digestion of dietary lipids
4.3 Importance of micellar solubilization in the uptake of dietary lipids by enterocytes
4.4 Mucosal brush border membrane lipid transporters
4.5 Intracellular metabolism of dietary lipids
4.6 Formation of intestinal chylomicrons and very low density lipoproteins
4.7 Clinical disorders of intestinallipid transport
4.8 Conclusions
4.9 Acknowledgments
4.10 References
5 Non-starch polysaccharides in the gastrointestinal tract
5.1 Introduction
5.2 Types of non-starch polysaccharide
5.3 Digestion of non-starch polysaccharides
5.4 Non-starch polysaccharide fermentation in the gastrointestinal tract: research model
5.5 Mechanisms of health effects of non-starch polysaccharides
5.6 Non-starch polysaccharides and mucosal adhesion
5.7 Applications of non-starch polysaccharides in functional foods
5.8 Future trends
5.9 Sources of further information
5.10 References
6 Digestion and absorption of proteins and peptides
6.1 lntroduction
6.2 Chemical determination of proteins and amino acids in foods
6.3 Protein digestion and amino acid absorption
6.4 Amino acid metabolism
6.5 Proteins, peptides and amino acids functioning as bioactives
6.6 The role of proteins, peptides and amino acids in the development of nutrition aIs and functional foods
6.7 Future trends
6.8 Sources of further information and advice
6.9 References
7 Digestion and absorption of lipophilic food micronutrients
7 .1 Introduction
7.2 Liposoluble micronutrients: main roles, food sources, recommended dietary allowance or adequate intake
7.3 Health roles of liposoluble vitamins, carotenoids and phytosterols
7.4 Main biochemical functions of lipophilic micronutrients
7.5 Bioavailability
7.6 Future trends
7.7 References
8 Bioavailability and metabolism of phenolic compound and glucosinolates
8.1 Introduction
8.2 Phenolic compound bioavailability, absorption and tissue distribution
8.3 Colonic metabolism of dietary phenolic compounds
8.4 Colonic microbiota responsible for dietary phenolic compound metabolism
8.5 Glucosinolates and isothiocyanates
8.6 Future trends
8.7 Acknowledgements
8.8 References
9 Developing effective probiotic products: bioavailability andother factors
9.1 Introduction
9.2 Selecting probiotics
9.3 Experimental methods for efficacy studies
9.4 Health benefits of probiotics
9.5 Proposed mechanisms of probiotic health effects
9.6 Applications with probiotics
9.7 Future trends
9.8 Sources of further information
9.9 References
Part Il Advances in research methods to study food sensory perception, digestion and adsorption
10 Measuring the oral behaviour of foods
10.1 Introduction
10.2 In vivo visualisation measurements for understanding food behaviour in the mouth
10.3 Measuring solid food fracture breakdown upon oral processing
10.4 Measuring soft-solid food breakdown and interaction with saliva
10.5 Measuring soft-solid food interactions with oral surfaces: lubrication and binding
10.6 Artificial mouth models
10.7 Conclusions
10.8 Future trends
10.9 Sources of further information and advice
10.10 References
11 Measurement and simulation of Oavour release from foods
11.1 lntroduction
11.2 Measuring flavour
11.3 Methods to measure the flavour profile during eating and drinking
11.4 Flavour release: mechanisms, effects of food structure and oral processing
11.5 Simulating flavour release from food in vitro
11.6 Future trends
11.7 References
12 Improving in vitro simulation of the stomach and intestines
12.1 Introduction
12.2 Models of gastrointestinal function
12.3 The TNO in vitro models of the gastrointestinal tract (TIM systems)
12.4 Model validation
12.5 Models for different applications
12.6 Applications
12.7 Future trends
12.8 Sources of further information and advice
12.9 References
13 The use of Caco-2 cells in defining nutrient bioavailability: application to iron bioavailabilty of foods
13.1 Introduction
13.2 Origin of the Caco-2 cell line
13.3 ln vitro measurement of iron bioavailability
13.4 The physiology of the in vitro digestion/Caco-2 model
13.5 Validation of the in vitro digestion/Caco-2 cell culture model: comparison with human studies of Fe availability
13.6 Justification for use of the in vitro digestion/Caco-2 cell model as a screening tool
13.7 Conclusion
13.8 References
14 Techniques for assessing the functional response to food of the stomach and small and large intestine
14.1 Introduction
14.2 Evolution of techniques to study the gastrointestinal response to feeding
14.3 Imaging specific regions of the gut using magnetic resonance imaging
14.4 Compromised gastrointestinal function and gastrointestinal drug studies
14.5 Future trends
14.6 Conclusion
14.7 Acknowledgements
14.8 References
15 Advances in the use of animal models for analysing intestinal cancers and protective effects of dietary components
15.1 lntroduction
15.2 Human colorectal cancer
15.3 Intestinal carcinogenesis models in rodents
15.4 Dietary components in colon cancer prevention
15.5 Conclusion
15.6 References
16 Using stable isotopes to determine minerai bioava abiiity of functional foods
16.1 Introduction
16.2 Methodological issues in using stable isotopes to study human nutrition
16.3 Study example: enhancement of calcium absorption by prebiotics in adolescents
16.4 Results from this study
16.5 Sources of further information and advice
16.6 Future trends
16.7 Summary and conclusions
16.8 References
Part III Implications
17 Optimising the Oavour of low-fat foods
17.1 Introduction
17.2 Flavour perception
17.3 The role of fat in flavour perception
17.4 Strategies for replacing fat and implications for flavour
17.5 Acknowledgements
17.6 References
18 Design of foods for the optimal delivery of basic tastes
18.1 Introduction
18.2 Oral factors
18.3 Effects of food structures on tastes
18.4 Effects of cross-modal interactions on tastes
18.5 Integrated sensory response modelling
18.6 Future trends
18.7 References
19 Oral processing and perception of food emulsions: relevance for fat reduction in food
19.1 Introduction
19.2 Behaviour and perception of emulsions in the oral environment
19.3 Creating food emulsions with improved texture and mouthfeel
19.4 Future trends
19.5 Sources of further information and advice
19.6 References
20 Controlling lipid bioavailability using emulsion-based delivery systems
20.1 Introduction
20.2 Lipid ingestion, digestion and absorption
20.3 Lipid bioavailability
20.4 Impact of lipid type and concentration on bioavailability
20.5 Emulsion-based delivery systems
20.6 Future trends
20.7 Sources of further information and advice
20.8 Acknowledgements
20.9 References
21 Controlling the delivery of glucose in foods
21.1 Introduction
21.2 Glucose delivery and health effects
21.3 The carbohydrate digestion process and human enzyme properties
21.4 Structural basis and mechanism of slowly digestible carbohydrate
21.5 Formulating low-glycemic index foods
21.6 Testing the glycemic index of foods
21.7 Future trends
21.8 References
22 Protein micro /nanoparticles for controlled nutraceutical delivery in functional foods
22.1 Introduction
22.2 Advantages of protein matrices for controlled delivery
22.3 Formation of food protein micro /nanoparticles
22.4 Protein structure, physical and biological behavior in gastrointestinal tract
22.5 Food applications
22.6 Conclusion and future trends
22.7 Acknowledgement
22.8 References
23 Self-assembling structures in the gastrointestinal tract
23.1 Introduction
23.2 Self-structuring liquid products
23.3 Effects on satiety
23.4 Incorporation into food products
23.5 Future trends
23.6 Sources of further information and advice
23.7 References
24 Designing foods to induce satiation: a flavour perspective
24.1 Introduction
24.2 Understanding of sensory satiation
24.3 Design of taststy foods with enhanced satiation
24.4 Future trends
24.5 Acknowledgements
24.6 References
25 Health food product composition, structure and bioavailability
The Netherlands
25.1 Health foods: the role of bioavailability
25.2 The role of physiology
25.3 Bioaccessibility parameters
25.4 Release of the active ingredients from the food matrix
25.5 Physiochemical properties and bioavailability
25.6 Gastrointestinal stability of the active ingredient
25.7 Meal factors
25.8 Practical guide
25.9 Conclusion
25.10 Acknowledgements
25.11 References
26 Coenzyme Q10: functional benefits, dietary uptake and delivery mechanisms
26.1 Chemical characteristics and human functionality of coenzyme Q10
26.2 Functions of coenzyme Q10
26.3 Distribution of coenzyme Q
26.4 Aging
26.5 Diseases - coenzyme Q10 content dependence
26.6 Coenzyme Q10 dietary uptake
26.7 Coenzyme Q10 delivery techniques
26.8 Summary
26.9 References