Part 1 Key drivers to improve water and energy management in food processing
1 Legislation and economic issues regarding water and energy management in food processing
1.1 Introduction
1.2 Trends in, and overview of, legislation
1.3 Economic drivers as an alternative to prosecution
1.4 Implications of legislative and economic drivers for management
1.5 Aspects of boiler management
1.6 Generic procedure for assessing the economics of effluent [...]
Part 1 Key drivers to improve water and energy management in food processing
1 Legislation and economic issues regarding water and energy management in food processing
1.1 Introduction
1.2 Trends in, and overview of, legislation
1.3 Economic drivers as an alternative to prosecution
1.4 Implications of legislative and economic drivers for management
1.5 Aspects of boiler management
1.6 Generic procedure for assessing the economics of effluent treatment and water reuse projects
1.7 Summary
1.8 Sources of further information and advice
1.9 References
2 Environmental and consumer issues regarding water and energy management in food processing
2.1 Introduction
2.2 The scale of water and energy consumption in food processing
2.3 Financial costs to food companies
2.4 Environmental impacts and costs
2.5 Future trends
2.6 Sources of further information and advice
2.7 References
3 Towards a complex approach to waste treatment in food processing
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Waste in food processing
3.3 Approaches to food waste treatment
4 Selection of waste treatment technology
3.5 Examples of efficient approaches
3.6 Life-cycle analysis
3.7 Future trends
3.8 Conclusions
3.9 Sources of further information and ad vice
3.10 References
Part II Assessing water and energy consumption and designing strategies for their reduction
4 Auditing energy and water use in the food industry
4.1 Introduction to energy and water auditing
4.2 Process mapping and energy and water use inventories
4.3 Identification of energy and water saving opportunities
4.4 Cost-benefit analysis
4.5 Conclusion
4.6 Sources of further information and ad vice
4.7 References
5 Methods to minimise water use in food processing
5.1 Introduction
5.2 Water minimisation
5.3 Water reuse and recycling
5.4 Process changes for water minimisation
5.5 Application in the food industry
5.6 Summary
5.7 Sources of further information and ad vice
5.8 References
6 Methods to minimise energy use in food processing
6.1 Introduction: energy use in food processing
6.2 Minimising energy use in food processing
6.3 Energy saving and minimisation: process integration/pinch technology, combined heat and power, combined energy and water minimisation
6.4 Overview of selected case studies
6.5 Case studies and examples of energy saving using pinch technology and heat integration
6.6 Further studies
6.7 Sources of further information and advice
6.8 References
7 Modelling and optimisation tools for water minimisation in the food industry
7.1 Introduction
7.2 Framework for model building and optimisation
7.3 Optimisation: meaning and mathematical formulation
7.4 Creating models
7.5 Example: an overview of an industrial case study
7.6 Sources of further information and advice
7.7 References
8 Energy management methods for the food industry
8.1 Introduction
8.2 The top-down approach: from the bill to the production
8.3 The bottom-up approach: from efficient production to the bill
8.4 Assessing the energy savings options
8.5 Conclusions
8.6 Future trends
8.7 Sources of further information and advice
8.8 Acknowledgements
8.9 References
9 Minimizing water and energy use in the batch and semi-continuous processes in the food and beverage industry
9.1 Introduction
9.2 Method for water use minimization
9.3 General modeling framework
9.4 Mathematical formulation
9.5 Energy integration opportunities
9.6 Solving the model
9.7 Model optimization
9.8 Software prototype
9.9 Industrial applications
9.10 Final considerations and future trends
9.11 Nomenclature
9.12 Sources of further information and advice
9.13 Acknowledgments
9.14 References
10 Novel methods for combined energy and water minimisation in the food industry
10.1 Introduction
10.2 Literature review on simuitaneous energy and water minimisation
10.3 Conceptual understanding and physical insights
10.4 Design methodology
10.5 Summary
10.6 Sources of further information and advice
10.7 References
Part III Good housekeeping procedures, measurement and process control to minimise water and energy consumption
11 Good housekeeping procedures to improve efficiency of water use in food processing plants
11.1 Introduction
11.2 Better management practices
11.3 Monitoring water use
11.4 Cleaning
11.5 Utilities
11.6 Auxiliaries
11.7 Unit operations
11.8 Trends in food processing
11.9 Sources of further information and advice
11.10 References
12 Housekeeping measures to reduce energy consumption in food processing plants
12.1 Introduction
12.2 Reducing cleaning requirements to save energy
12.3 Reducing waste to save energy
12.4 Maintenance and monitoring of unit operations to save energy
12.5 Future trends
12.6 Sources of further information and advice
12.7 References
13 Measurement and process control for water and energy use in the food industry
13.1 Introduction
13.2 Measurements and sensors in the food industry
13.3 Process control for water and energy in the food industry
13.4 System integration
13.5 Conclusions and future trends - sources of further information and advice
13.6 References
14 Monitoring and intelligent support systems to optimise water and energy use
14.1 Introduction
14.2 Intelligent systems for process operation support
14.3 Diagnostics
14.4 Monitoring for better control
14.5 Agent-based monitoring
14.6 Links to supply chain management
14.7 Links with life-cycle management
14.8 Monitoring and analysis
14.9 Monitoring and forecasting for energy efficiency improvement
14.10 Tendencies
14.11 Application of monitoring and intelligent support for decision making
14.12 Monitoring for optimal energy and water consumption
14.13 Introducing integrated management of resources and finances
14.14 Concluding remarks
14.15 Sources of further information and advice
14.16 References
Part IV Methods to minimise energy consumption in food processing, retait and waste treatment
15 Minimising energy consumption associated with chilling, refrigerated storage and cooling systems in the food industry
15.1 Introduction
15.2 Energy used in chilling/freezing and storage of food
15.3 Refrigeration system efficiency
15.4 Refrigeration system component efficiency
15.5 Efficiency of heat extraction from food and temperature maintenance during storage
15.6 Construction and usage of refrigerated areas
15.7 Life-cycle costs and analysis
15.8 Energy target and monitoring
15.9 Energy minimisation through integrated heating and cooling systems
15.10 Future trends
15.11 Sources of further information and advice
15.12 References
16 Minimising energy consumption associated with drying, baking and evaporation
16.1 Introduction
16.2 General energy accounting methods
16.3 Drying
16.4 Baking
16.5 Evaporation
16.6 Final remarks - sources of further information and advice
16.7 References
17 Minimising energy consumption associated with retorting
17.1 Introduction
17.2 Retort operation
17.3 Modeling and optimization of energy consumption
17.4 Simultaneous processing of different product lots in the same retort
17.5 New package systems and their impact on energy consumption
17.6 Future trends
17.7 Nomenclature
17.8 Sources of further information and ad vice
17.9 References
18 Heat recovery in the food industry
18.1 Introduction
18.2 Chapter themes
18.3 Recovering waste heat at source
18.4 The uses for waste heat - the sink
18.5 The site survey - quantifying waste heat
18.6 Types of heat recovery equipment
18.7 Heat/cold storage (or thermal energy storage - TES)
18.8 Process integration
18.9 Case studies
18.10 Summary
18.11 Sources of further information and ad vice
18.12 References
19 Fouling of heat transfer equipment in the food industry
19.1 Introduction
19.2 Fouling mechanisms
19.3 Waterside fouling
19.4 Process-side fouling
19.5 Conclusion
19.6 Nomenclature
19.7 Sources of further information and ad vice
19.8 References
20 Reduction of refrigeration energy consumption and environmental impacts in food retailing
20.1 Introduction
20.2 Refrigeration systems in food retailing
20.3 Recent research and development to reduce the environmental impacts of supermarket refrigeration systems
20.4 CO2 refrigeration systems for supermarket applications
20.5 Opportunities for energy savings in supermarket refri geration
20.6 Sources of further information and ad vice
20.7 Conclusions
20.8 Acknowledgements
20.9 References
21 Dewatering for food waste
21.1 Introduction
21.2 Waste conditioning
21.3 Thickening
21.4 Dewatering methods
21.5 Combining dewatering methods
21.6 An environmental and economic choice
21.7 Conclusion and future trends
21.8 Sources of further information and ad vice
21.9 References
Part V Water reuse and wastewater treatment in the food industry
22 Feedwater requirements in the food industry
22.1 Introduction
22.2 Future trends
22.3 Water supply
22.4 Feedwater pre-treatment processes
22.5 Summary
22.6 Sources of further information and advice
22.7 References
23 Water recycling in the food industry
23.1 Introduction
23.2 The food processing industry
23.3 Water in food processing plants
23.4 Water recycycling technologies
23.5 Water purity standards
23.6 Water recycling opportunities
23.7 Water conservation measures
23.8 Designing a water recycling scheme
23.9 Benefits and drawbacks of water recycling
23.10 Case studies
23.11 Conclusions and future trends
23.12 Sources of further information and ad vice
23.13 References
24 Advances in membrane technology for the treatment and reuse of food processing wastewater
24.1 Introduction
24.2 Membrane separation processes
24.3 Membrane bioreactor
24.4 Biofilm membrane bioreactor
24.5 Applications in food processing wastewater treatment
24.6 Conclusions and future trends
24.7 Sources of further information and advice
24.8 Acknowledgement
24.9 Appendix
24.10 References
25 Advances in disinfection techniques for water reuse
25.1 Introduction
25.2 Continuous disinfection process
25.3 Chemical and physical disinfection
25.4 Future trends
25.5 Sources of further information and advice
25.6 References
26 Advances in aerobic systems for treatment of food processing wastewater
26.1 Introduction
26.2 Characteristics of food processing wastewater
26.3 Aerobic treatment
26.4 Future trends
26.5 Sources of further information and ad vice
26.6 References
27 Advances in anaerobic systems for organic pollution removal from food processing wastewater
27.1 Introduction
27.2 Food processing wastewater characteristics
27.3 Anaerobic treatment for food processing wastewater
27.4 Types of anaerobic treatment for food processing wastewater
27.5 ControIIing the anaerobic digestion process
27.6 Modelling of the anaerobic process for food processing wastewater
27.7 Future trend: methane and hydrogen production from anaerobic process using food processing wastewater
27.8 Sources of further information and ad vice
27.9 References
28 Seafood wastewater treatment
28.1 Introduction
28.2 Characteristics of seafood wastewater
28.3 Primary treatment
28.4 Biological treatment
28.5 Physicochemical treatment
28.6 Land application of seafood wastewater
28.7 Future trends
28.8 Sources of further information and advice
28.9 References
Part VI Water and energy minimisation in particular industry sectors
29 Water and energy management in the slaughterhouse
29.1 Introduction
29.2 Water and energy use in slaughterhouses
29.3 Water and energy saving options
29.4 Sources of further information and ad vice
29.5 References
30 Water and energy management in poultry processing
30 Current water and energy uses in the industry
30.2 Current water and energy use: how much water and energy is used and why
30.3 Measuring, monitoring, analysis and strategies
30.4 Reducing energy consumption in each part of the process
30.5 Waste management and renewable energy
30.6 Reducing water consumption in each part of the process
30.7 Water recycling
30.8 Conclusions
30.9 Sources of further information and advice
30.10 References
31 Water and energy management in cereals processing
31.1 Introduction
31.2 Overview of water and energy use in the cereals processing industries
31.3 Mixing, baking, drying and cooling of farinaceous products
31.4 Corn wet miIIing and starch processing
31.5 Future trends
31.6 Sources of further information and advice
31.7 References
32 Water and energy management in the sugar industry
32.1 Introduction
32.2 Sugar production from sugar beet and sugar cane
32.3 Identification of opportunities to improve energy and water use in sugar production
32.4 Energy and water minimisation: process integration/pinch technology and other optimisation techniques
32.5 Retrofitting the energy sub-system for reduced energy consumption
32.6 Retrofitting the water and wastewater sub-system for reduced water consumption
32.7 Future trends
32.8 Sources of further information and advice
32.9 References
33 Improving energy efficiency in sugar processing
33.1 Introduction
33.2 The sugar industry
33.3 What are the reasons for energy demand?
33.4 Combined heat and power station
33.5 Heat losses
33.6 Heating
33.7 Evaporation
33.8 Drying
33.9 Limits
33.10 Output/input ratio
33.11 Future trends
33.12 Sources of further information and advice
33.13 References
34 Water minimization in the soft drinks industry
34.1 Introduction
34.2 Current trends in wastewater minimization in the continuous processing industry
34.3 Current trends in wastewater minimization in the batch processing industry
34.4 Background on water usage in soft drinks industries
34.5 Case study 1: case study on amalgamated beverage industries (ABI), South Africa
34.6 Case study 2: water recycling by floating media filtration and nanofiltration at a Japanese soft drink factory
34.7 Conclusions
34.8 Sources of further information and advice
34.9 Acknowledgements
34.10 References
35 Brewing, winemaking and distilling: an overview of wastewater treatment and utilisation schemes
35.1 Introduction
35.2 Water use: the origin and nature of effluents in the brewing, wine and distiIIing industries
35.3 Most widely used treatment methods: livestock feed, discharge, anaerobic and aerobic treatments, incineration
35.4 Alternative treatments and re-engineering processes with the best available techniques (BAT) approach: industrial reality and alternative treatments
35.5 Acknowledgements
35.6 Nomenclature
35.7 References