Chapter 1: Introduction to Sensory Techniques
1.1 Introduction
1.2 Development of Sensory Testing
1.3 Human Subjects as Instruments
1.4 Conducting a Sensory Study
Chapter 2: Sensory attributes and the Way We Perceive Them
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Sensory Attributes
2.3 The Human Senses
2.4 Perception at Threshold and Above
Chapter 3: Controls for Test Room, Products, and Panel
3.1 In[...]
Chapter 1: Introduction to Sensory Techniques
1.1 Introduction
1.2 Development of Sensory Testing
1.3 Human Subjects as Instruments
1.4 Conducting a Sensory Study
Chapter 2: Sensory attributes and the Way We Perceive Them
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Sensory Attributes
2.3 The Human Senses
2.4 Perception at Threshold and Above
Chapter 3: Controls for Test Room, Products, and Panel
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Test Controls
3.3 Product Controls
3.4 Panelist Controls
Chapter 4: Factors Influencing Sensory Verdicts
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Physiological Factors
4.3 Psychological Factors
4.4 Poor Physical Condition
Chapter 5 Measuring Responses
5.1 Introduction
5.2 Psychophysical Theory
5.3 Classification
5.4 Grading
5.5 Ranking
5.6 Scaling
Chapter 6: Overall Difference Tests: Does a Sensory Difference Exist between Samples?
6.1 Introduction
6.2 The Unified Approach to Difference and Similarity Testing
6.3 Triangle Test
6.4 Duo-Trio Test
6.5 Two-out-of-Five Test
6.6 Same/Different Test (or Simple Difference Test)
6.7 "A" -"Not A" Test
6.8 Difference-from-Control Test
6.9 Sequential Tests
Chapter 7: Attribute Difference Tests: How Does Attribute X Differ between Samples?
7.1 Introduction: Paired Comparison Designs
7.2 Directional Difference Test: Comparing Two Samples
7.3 Pairwise Ranking Test: Friedman Analysis-Comparing Several Samples in AIl Possible Pairs
7.4 Introduction: Multisample Difference Tests-Block Designs
7.5 Simple Ranking Test: Friedman Analysis-Randomized (Complete) Block Design
7.6 Multisample Difference Test: Rating Approach-Evaluation by Analysis of Variance (ANOVA)
7.7 Multisample Difference Test: BlB Ranking Test (Balanced Incomplete Block Design)-Friedman Analysis
7.8 Multisample Difference Test: BlB Rating Test (Balanced Incomplete Block Design)-Evaluation by Analysis of Variance
Chapter 8: Determining Threshold
8.1 Introduction
8.2 Definitions
8.3 Applications of Threshold Determinations
Chapter 9: Selection and Training of Panel Members
9.1 Introduction
9.2 Panel Development
9.3 Selection and Training for Difference Tests
9.4 Selection and Training of Panelists for Descriptive Testing
9.5 Panel Performance and Motivation
Appendix 9.1 Prescreening Questionnaires
Appendix 9.2 Panel Leadership Advice
Chapter 10: Descriptive Analysis Techniques
10.1 Definition
10.2 Field of Application
10.3 Components of Descriptive Analysis
10.4 Commonly Used Descriptive Test Methods
10.5 Application of Descriptive Analysis Panel Data
Chapter 11: The Spectrum@ Descriptive Analysis Method
11.1 Designing a Descriptive Procedure
11.2 Myths about the Spectrum Descriptive Analysis Method
11.3 Terminology
11.4 Intensity
11.5 Other Options
11.6 Modified Short-Version Spectrum Descriptive Procedures for Quality Assurance, Shelf-Life Studies, etc.
Appendix 11.1 Spectrum Terminology for Descriptive Analysis
Appendix 11.2 Spectrum Intensity Scales for Descriptive Analysis
Appendix 11.3 A Streamlined Approach to Spectrum References
Appendix 11.4 Spectrum Descriptive Analysis Product Lexicons
Appendix 11.5 Spectrum Descriptive Analysis Examples of FuIl Product Descriptions
Appendix 11.6 Spectrum Descriptive Analysis Training Exercises
Chapter 12: Affective Tests: Consumer Tests and In-House Panel Acceptance Tests
12.1 Purpose and Applications
12.2 The Subjects/Consumers in Affective Tests
12.3 Choice of Test Location
12.4 Affective Test Methods-Fuzzy Front End
12.5 Affective Methods: Qualitative
12.6 Affective Methods: Quantitative
12.7 Internet Research
12.8 Using Other Sensory Methods to Uncover Insights
Appendix 12.1 Screeners for Consumer Studies-Focus Group, CLT, and HUT
Appendix 12.2 Discussion Guide-Group or One-on-One Interviews
Appendix 12.3 Questionnaires for Consumer Studies
Appendix 12.4 Protocol Design for Consumer Studies
Appendix 12.5 Additional Fuzzy Front End References
Chapter 13 Basic Statistical Methods
13.1 Introduction
13.2 Summarizing Sensory Data
13.3 Statistical Hypothesis Testing
13.4 Thurstonian Scaling
13.5 The Statistical Design of Sensory Panel Studies
13.6 Appendix on Probability
Chapter 14: Advanced Statistical Methods
14.1 Introduction
14.2 Data Relationships
14.3 Preference Mapping
14.4 The Treatment Structure of an Experimental Design
Chapter 15: Guidelines for Choice of Technique
15.1 Introduction
Chapter 16: Guidelines for Reporting Results
16.1 Introduction
16.2 Summary
16.3 Objective
16.4 Experimental
16.5 Results and Discussion
Chapter 17 Statistical Tables